Conference Call via http://freeconferencecall.com, July 10, 2007

Elmore Herman, President, called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. Eastern Time.  Those present included:

Nancy Gentry, Northeast Florida Honey Bee Association Representative

Elmore Herman, President

Gary Ranker, Tampa Bay Association Representative

Bert Kelley, Ridge Association Representative (Treasurer)

Malcolm T. Sanford, Executive Secretary

David Webb, Vice-President

Association Representatives in attendance:  Roll call to obtain quorum; 3 associations represented for voting purposes:  Nancy Gentry (Northeast Florida Honey Bee Assn), Bert Kelley (Ridge Assn.), Gary Ranker (Tampa Assn).  Official quorum is three representatives plus the President, V.P. and Executive Secretary.

Discussion about research money.  Because $4000 had been eliminated from Dr. Ellis’ research proposal concerning establishing economic threshold levels for Varroa and use of small-cell foundation, Nancy Gentry made a motion that it now be given as an “unrestricted gift” to Dr. Ellis.  Bert Kelley seconded.  Passed (no dissenting votes).  Bert Kelley will begin dispersal of the funds immediately.

Ms. Gentry also suggested that a research committee be established for dispersing FSBA research monies.  She pointed to the procedure by the Eastern Apicultural Society (EAS) as a possible model: <http://www.easternapiculture.org/programs/hbrf.shtml>.  President Herman selected a committee of four, which includes Dr. M.T. Sanford, Laurence Cutts, David Webb, David Miksha.  The Committee will report to the president and membership on a regular basis.

Discussion that the Association was not getting its money’s worth out of membership in the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association ($250/year).  Bert Kelley moved that the FSBA no longer pay dues.  Seconded by Gary Ranker.  Passed (no dissenting votes).

David Webb said his contacts with the Watermelon Growers Association revealed that they would be willing to put up names of beekeepers contracting colonies for watermelon pollination in Florida.  He suggested a campaign to develop a list of names.  This will become an article in the next paper newsletter.  All potential names will be forwarded to David Webb, webbshoney@msn.com, ph 321-403-4201. 

President Herman reported that plans for the 87th Convention in Winter Haven were on track, but so far a registration fee had not been established.  He will provide finalized information to be published in The Florida Beekeeper by end of July 2007.  The convention will be different than in years past as it will feature a full-day extension (Saturday) directed toward hobbyists and beginners, a program to be modeled after the June 9, 2007 event in Green Cove Springs, FL, organized by Nancy Gentry.  Ms. Gentry will organize this part of the program and said that she thought the best registration technique was to charge full price of the convention for one or both days.

Discussion concerning membership.  Gary Ranker expressed his opinion that anyone belonging to a local association should also belong to the state.  This is not expressed, however, in the constitution at http://floridabeekeepers.org , only the following language can be found, which is not mandatory, but only voluntary:

3. Members of local affiliated associations shall become members of the State Association upon payment of State Association annual dues.

The traditional method of signing up state members has been for local associations to use the standard receipt books issued by the Association, which provides a space both for dues for the local and state association.  These are available from the Executive Secretary.  Some locals charge as little as $5.00, others up to $15, the same as the state.  Discussion that registration to the state meeting be predicated on being a registered member of the association was tabled, but will be examined by the leadership for the convention.

Motion by Bert Kelley to adjourn, seconded by Gary Ranker.  Meeting adjourned 10:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Malcolm T. Sanford
Executive Secretary
