November 12, 2005
Ag Center,
Laurence Cutts, President, called the Annual business meeting to order at 9:30AM.
In attendance: Escarosa,
Central Florida, Tupelo, Tampa Bay, Ridge, North Escambia, Northeast Florida
Honey Bee Assn, South Florida. Not
present, Tri-County, Hernando and
Stephanie Tarwater
Joe Tarwater
Morgan Bullard
John and Micki Westervelt
Vernon Gwaltney
Sylvia Bullard
David Webb
Bert Gwaltney
Reno Plenge
Doc Bullard
Gary Ranker
Carolee Howe
Elmore Herman
Jerry Turner
Daniel Vasicek
Wayne and Pauline Miller
David Miksa
Raymond Vickerman
Evelyn and P.N. Williams
Berry Bowman
Lee Del Signore
David Hackenberg
Bill and Mary
Fay Roberts
David Mendes
Ed Cooksey
Gregory Brown
Executive Secretary’s Report: Since the last general meeting, four (4) newsletters have been produced with ads. Four (4) are scheduled for the next year. The full mailing list is 358 and the cost of the newsletters is pushing $600 per issue. They are mailed using first class postage; this is a much better way to keep track of who receives newsletters and when. Most associations have gone this route rather than bulk mail.
Membership status is 72 Active 2004; 100 Active 2005; 34 Active 2006; 97 Life members; 7 Extra milers; 26 advertisers; 7 complimentary and 7 provisional. Those not renewing for two years 2004 and marked provisional will receive two (2) more newsletters before being purged from the list.
Web Site: Turned over to the Executive Secretary last year by Bill Overman, represents a savings of $1000/year based on old billing. Use of the FSBA list at is continuing; 55 people have subscribed last year.
Membership Flyer: A membership flyer was published last year (2,000 copies printed at $217.00), now exhausted. A new run is needed with new officers.
Annual Meeting. Executive Secretary with the aid of the Northeast Florida Honey Bee Association coordinated the convention at the St. Johns Ag. Center, considered by many to be one of the best ever with an attendance exceeding expectations of 125.
Treasurer’s Report: Bert Kelley reported $5,900 in the bank and an income of $1483.40 for the state fair, $439 for the Chipley convention, and $2337 from the auction. This report was audited by the audit committee and found to be in order. Motion to accept the report by Elmore Herman, seconded by Bert Gwaltney (passed).
Conrad Memorial Apiary Report: Elmore Herman has collected $3,680 from those running the apiaries. There was discussion about how to report or account for losses in the apiary. For example, no specific colonies are designated state association property in the outfit run by Jerry Turner (65 colonies is considered a running average), while in Lee Del Signore’s apiary, certain colonies are specifically tied to the Association and this number was decreased by 2 last year due to normal loss. Discussion about a more rigorous reporting for the apiary ensued. It was reiterated that the vice president is considered to be in charge of the apiary as written in the bylaws, along with specific reporting responsibilities.
State Fair Report:
Bert Kelley reported this year’s event to be a success and that he will
coordinate next year’s and issued a call for volunteers. The Fair will be from February 9 through 20
Motion to have the Fair Board declare February 14, 2006 as Honey Day by Gary Ranker. Seconded by Elmore Herman (passed). Subsequently, this was accomplished via official letter from the Fair dated November 15, 2005..
It was suggested that those paying assessments to the honey board who were entitled to receive a quota of free materials (pamphlets, etc.) from the National Honey Board, could best put these to work at the state fair.. These should be sent to Bert Kelley to exhibit at the fair. Those paying assessments are urged to contact the Honey Board to have this accomplished.
Doc Bullard issued a preliminary invitation to have next
year’s convention in the Panhandle region.
Several associations (Escarosa, Tri-County,
North Escambia,
The nominating committee provided a slate of officers, including Elmore Herman (President), David Webb (Vice-President) and Bert Kelley (Treasurer). No nominations from the floor. David Hackenberg motioned that the slate be elected by acclamation, seconded by Wayne Miller (passed).
Meeting adjourned 10:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Malcolm T. Sanford
Executive Secretary