November 13, 2004, Ag Center, Chipley, FLORIDA

Laurence Cutts, President, called the Annual business meeting to order at 9:40AM.

Associations In attendance:  Escarosa, Central Florida, Tupelo, Tampa Bay, Ridge, North Escambia, Northeast Florida Honey Bee Assn, South Florida.  Not present, Hernando and Palm Beach.

Elmore Herman
Malcolm Sanford
Bert Kelley
Carolee Howe
Doc Bullard
Gary Ranker
Noel Blanchet
Laurence Cutts
David Webb
David Westervelt
Ernest Peach
Lee and Mari Del Signore
Linda Henderson
Norm and Vicki Freeman
Bert and Vernon Gwaltney
Wayne and Pauline Miller
Sylvia Bullard
Holly Jones and Rayne Williams
Wayne Jones and Holly Kuykendall
Joe and Sue Tarwater
Steven Tarwater
John Gentzel

Reading of the last meeting in Tampa as printed in the Chipley program and on the World Wide Web at http://floridabeekeepers.org.   Motion to accept as published by Norman Freeman (Seconded by Gary Ranker).  Passed.

Executive Secretary’s Report:  Since the last general meeting, six (6) newsletters have been produced, four (4) with ads.  In addition, a special mailing was sent our in October to persons who have been purged from the mailing list (311).  Membership is now at 140 active (paying dues), 95 Life members, 26 advertisers and 6 complimentary.  A major issue is that the newsletters appear to be very slow in being mailed and their arrival cannot be predicted with much certainty.  Most had not received the November issue, mailed in late October.  In some cases, the October issue, mailed 6 weeks previously had not arrived.  The executive secretary will investigate the possibility of mailing newsletters first class.

Treasurer’s Report:  Bert Kelley reported $5,822 in the bank; $2,122 was raised at the auction during the banquet.  He provided a detailed description of how the books were set up and indicated that the audit committee had signed off on them for last year.  He presented a budget for next year of $24,000.  Several items were subsequently juggled as part of the budget, but the total amount was not changed. 

Motion by Gary Ranker that the President look at renegotiating the web site budget ($1080/ year) with the current web master, Bill Overman), with the concept that the Executive Secretary take a more active role in that activity and some of the funds saved for other items.  Seconded by David Westervelt.  Passed.

Motion by Bert Kelley to accept the proposed budget as amended.  Seconded by Norman Freeman.  Passed.

Motion by Bert Kelley that the Farm Bureau Federation be given a complimentary one-half page advertisement in the newsletter given all the services provided to the Association by the Bureau.  Seconded by Wayne Miller.  Passed.

Traveling Dispay:  President Cutts reported that the motion passed at the last meeting for a traveling display that would tell the association and honey bee story in a succinct manner to the general public had not been acted upon.

Life Members.  President Cutts reported that the recommendation at last year’s meeting to review the life-membership category had not been acted on.  There still remains doubt about what constitutes a life membership in cash equivalency.  The bylaws call for “one ten-frame colony of bees, consisting of the following:  Bottom Board, cover, excluder, three deep brood chambers, with thirty (30) good frames, combs and bees free of disease.”  In lieu of this  “Life membership may be obtained by donating the full value of a hive in cash or new beekeeping equipment.  This membership includes both husband and wife.  The equipment list may be adjusted to the needs of the apiary.” 

President Cutts appointed Ex-president Elmore Herman and his apiary committee to recommend an appropriate cash amount to replace the $100.00 that has been used in the past to obtain life membership, but is now considered out of date given current increases in beekeeping equipment costs.

Elmore Herman reported that many who are life members have said they would be glad to add to the Association’s apiary.  Motion by Elmore Herman that an “Extra Mile” designation be developed for those who are already life members, but donate another life-member equivalent to the apiary.  Seconded by Norman Freeman.  Passed.  The cash amount will be set according to the deliberations of the apiary committee as noted in the above paragraph.

Conrad Cramer Memorial Apiary Report:  Ex-President Herman reported the following:  Hives in the apiary managed by Lee Del Signore (48), Conrad Cramer Apiaries (64) and Elmore Herman (16), for a total of 128.  Seventy-six (76) colonies were reported to be in the Apiary last year; thus, “extra milers” from the Tampa meeting provided enough equipment to almost double the size of the apiary.  The increase had to do with considerable donations given at the meeting last year in Tampa by those who could be considered for the “Extra Mile” designation.”

This year the following amount was added to the treasury from the Conrad Cramer Memorial Apiary, $1014 (Lee del Signore, 3,120 lbs), $3200 (Conrad Cramer Apiaries, 5,376 lbs), $1408 (Elmore Herman, 2,812 lbs) for a total of $5622.20, 11,308 lbs).  If the $5622.20 is divided by the number of life members, Elmore said, that would mean a continuing contribution of about $58 for each life member, when compared to regular member dues of $15 per year.  Thus, life membership continues to pay its way with life members contributing almost four (4) times as much income per person as regular due-paying members.

State Fair:  Bert Kelley reported that the State Fair exhibit was very well attended last year.  He was happy to see more volunteers than in the past.  He is asking again for volunteers for this year’s event in Tampa, February 10-21 <http://www.floridastatefair.com> .  Laurence Cutts reported that he could no longer spend the full time at the fair, and asked if anyone was interested in taking over the bee beard exhibit.  After some discussion, motion by Norman Freeman to eliminate the bee beard as part of the Association’s exhibit at the next fair.  Bert Kelley seconded.  Passed.

Elmore Herman and David Westervelt reported on the honey bee maze display at Epcot Center.  Both spent considerable time at this event; it was sponsored in part by the National Honey Board and Sioux Bee Honey Coop.  Both believed this will more than likely become a permanent exhibit; and will require the services of someone who would be willing to change out the observation hive on a scheduled basis so that visitors would always see an optimal colony as part of the exhibit.

Nominating Committee Report:  Bert Gwaltney and Wayne Miller reported that the nominating committee was putting the following slate forward:  Laurence Cutts (President), Josh Gentry (Vice President) and Bert Kelley (Treasurer).  Motion to elect officers by acclamation by Wayne Miller, seconded by Doc Bullard.  Passed.

Brochure:  Considerable discussion about a brochure to be developed by the Association.  It might include mission, history and advantages of joining.  Perhaps published in color.  A budgetary item from thePresident’s expenses of $500 was appropriated to publish this brochure.  Motion by Gary Ranker, seconded by Bert Kelley, that the Executive Secretary investigate development and printing of said brochure.  Passed.

Motion by David Westervelt, seconded by Doc Bullard  to adjourn.  Passed.  Meeting adjourned 10:35 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Malcolm T. Sanford

Executive Secretary