November 5, 2009
Opera House, Monticello, Florida




Lisa Coleman

Bobby Cutts

Laurence Cutts

David Mendes

Gordon Clauss

Amy Walker

Johnny Walker

Todd Herring

Larry Helk

Randi Helk

Wade Fisher

Kathy Fisher

Eli Mendes

Rodney Jones

John Gentzel

Steve Corniffe

George Waldoch

Gayle Prevatt

Enzo Torcoletti

Debbie Bohannon

Debbie Claxton

Ray Claxton

Bill Dunn

Dianna Williams

David Barnes

Heather Gamper

Raynae Williams

Holly Jones

Virginia and Carl Webb

Ernest and Bettie Peach

Robin Dahlen

Brendhan Horne

Linda and David Hackenberg

Reno and Veuona Plenge

Bert Gwaltney

Tom Heifner

Donald and Paula Smiley

Donnie and Donna Harcus

Bill and Margaret Merritt

Malcolm and Syvia Bullard

Gary and Diane Van Cleef

Tommy Duggar

Chappie  McChesney

Joann and Gerry Latner

Gary Ranker

David Webb

Waynes Jones

Keith and Melissa Councell

Kelly McKinnes

Richard Stockton

Roger Twitchell

Ellyn Hutson

Susan  Drake

Charles Futch

Robert Jackson

David Hall

Ann and Jerry Herting

Elaine and Keul Suber

Kent and Sue Wooldridge

Katherine Hogg

Tongy Hogg

Bob Livingston

Elmore Herman


Call to Order by President Plenge, 7:13 p.m.


Motion to approve the minutes  as published at http://floridabeekeepers.org and in the convention program pamphlet by David Hackenberg with  following corrections by, Ellyn Hutson: Spelling of  "Attending" not "Attemding";  Ellyn Hutson was in attendance as President of Apalachee Beekeepers but was not listed as being a representative.
Paragraph about L. Cutts at CA meeting:  two spelling errors:  "people out ion" and "talking tin."  Seconded by Elmore Herman.  Passed.


Executive Secretary’s Report:  This consisted of two areas, membership and activities as reported by Malcolm T. Sanford, current Executive Secretary:


Membership Report:  Numbers of members based on paying dues (only those Active 2008 and later) are considered voting members:



Active 2007     49

Active 2008     108  (New  2008 – 147)

Active 2009     268  (New 2009 – 87)

Active 2010   138   (New 2010 – 77)

Active 2011   2

Extra Milers  6

Life Members  82


Eligible voters -  604 (Active 2008 onward plus life);  Of those the following information is provided



Number FSBA Members

Board  of  Managers Representative



Chappie McChesney



Charles Futch

Beekeepers of SW Florida


Dennis Riggs/Keith Councell

Broward County


Leo Gosser



Malcolm “Doc” Bullard

Nature Coast



Northeast FL Honey Bee Assn


Cal Wilcox/Butch Patterson

Orange Blossom


David Webb/Beth Fox

Palm Beach


Brendhan Horne

Putnam County


Nancy Gentry



Bert Kelley



Gary Ranker

Tampa Bay


Gary Ranker

Tri County


Michael Shreves



Reno  Plenge

North Escambia


Ernest Peach

Not affiliated



An exciting development concerns brand new members. 147 new members signed up for the first time in 2008; In 2009, 87 more new people were added, and since the beginning of September In 2009, another 77 have enrolled up for the year 2010. These 311 brand new members are almost half of the current members in good standing at the present time. This is a welcome addition to the membership, which was static or slowly declining prior to 2008, but represents a challenge to the leadership in terms of retention and future activities. 
Over thirty percent of the membership is not affiliated with a local association. Given the Association's structure, this population would seem to lack representation on the Board of Managers. 

Note that some associations are under represented, having less than 5 members also members  of the State Association, including: Putnam County, Alachua County, Nature Coast, Broward County, North Escambia and Tri-County.




I have established an FSBA Ezine at Ezezine.com, under the Bee Culture account. I am slowly signing up people for this initiative and using it to send out messages about association activities. Currently that distribution list has 176 subscribers, which means less than half of active members are subscribed. I will be continuing this effort in the coming year. See the latest post at: http://home.ezezine.com/1636_3/1636_3-2009. 
I published four (4) newsletters last year, along with the convention booklet for the Gainesville meeting. The newsletter printing and mailing costs now exceed $1,000 per mailing, almost doubling in the last two years in response to new member growth. I have begun to make The Florida Beekeeper virtually available through Yudu.com (see: http://www.yudu.com/item/details/83884/The-Florida-Beekeeper-September-2009), and am slowly accumulating a cadre of members who are willing to receive the newsletter in this fashion (29 to date), opting out of the paper edition. Each person that does this, saves the Association over $12 per year in printing and mailing costs. This is a free service at the moment, but a charge may be implemented in the future. 
I have published two inserts for the Melitto Files, the publication jointly produced by Jerry Hayes and Dr. Jamie Ellis and mailed to every registered beekeeper in the state. There are currently about 1,400 registered beekeepers in Florida. Four inserts are projected in the coming year.
I mailed out a membership renewal reminder letter in January. This garnered a few replies, but local associations continue to be the source of the majority of new memberships and renewals. I published two runs of receipt books that are handed out to associations to help them recruit members. 

Treasurer’s Report:  Bert Kelley provided the following report:


Check book current balance is $25,428.85. 


Fiscal Year 2009-2010:




Research Donations




State  Fair


Newsletter Ads












2009 State Fair Event


Income (sales)








2008 Convention









Proposed Budget was also presented:


Discussion of certain line items:


Spring meeting:  Last year cancelled; this year’s buget  $2000


Honey Queen Program/Promotion:  Amount spent $3,324 was for hats and shirts, and chef’s fee for the honey cooking exhibit at the fair.  There is no honey queen program.


Agriculture in the Classroom.  Amount spent  $96 for educational materials, generally at the State Fair.   Discussion that the category is confusing given there is a formal Ag in the Classroom program funded by automobile specialty tag sales: http://www.flagintheclassroom.com/  Suggestion that the category be renamed to simply Beekeeping Educational Materials.


Discussion of State Fair activities.  Given the timing, it is difficult to get expenses and income for fair in same fiscal year, resulting in confusion.   It is better to look at “event” income and expenses as provided by the Treasurer above.  Discussion of transparency; the membership has little idea about how the honey is purchased and what happens at the Fair.  More transparency is needed especially when it comes to purchasing honey to sell to the public.  This is handled by Bert and volunteers; high quality is essential.


Motion by Gayle Prevatt that the membership be notified with reference to selling honey at the fair and some kind of bidding process be implemented.  Seconded by Ellen Hutson.  A hand vote showed 19 for and 32 against.  Motion did not pass.


David Webb moved that the question of how to handle these  honey sales be given to a committee so that a reasonable policy could be implemented.  Seconded by Bert Gwaltney.  Passed.


Brendhan Horne moved the Treasurer’s report be accepted as delivered.  Seconded by Laurence Cutts. Passed.


President’s Remarks:  President Plenge said that he regretted not accomplishing as much as he wanted.  Subsequent to being elected he developed significant heart problems and was simply unable to provide the leadership needed.  He did thank those who assisted him during his time of need and helped in going forward on some issues.


Cancellation of the mid year meeting was also a disappointment.  A series of events culminated in the cancellation of this event.  Fortunately, Palm Beach President Brendhan Horne indicates that he will put forth a bid to host this meeting in 2010.


President Plenge specifically pointed out the contributions of Vice President Roger Twitchell in terms of the mosquito control situation last year.  There has been a considerable opening based on Mr. Twitchell’s opening a relationship with Division of Plant Industry and mosquito control districts.


He also pointed out the landmark accomplishment of Nancy Gentry and others in adopting the honey standard in Florida.  This is going forward and now being adopted by a host of other states.


Another event of importance during his administration included successful celebrations of Honey Bee Awareness Day around the state, notably by The Apalachee association, Alachua association in cooperation with the Beekeepers of Putnam County,  and Tampa, Suncoast, Broward, Palm Beach, Orange and Southwest beekeepers associations.  This is expected to be a yearly event and has a national component as well.  http://www.nationalhoneybeeday.com/.  August 21, 2010 is the next scheduled celebration, with the following Florida components already identified:  Alachua County Beekeepers Club, Apalachee Beekeepers Association,  Orange Blossom Beekeeper's Association (Orange and Seminole Counties), and Suncoast Beekeepers Association.


Apiary Report:  Vice President Roger Twitchell called on those present to provide a report of income from the Conrad Cramer Memorial Apiary, a collection of beehives purchased by Life Members over the years.  Current volunteer managers include Elmore Herman, Bill Merritt and Lee  Del Signore.  Mr. Herman manages 18 hives and produced an income  of $405.  Mr. Merritt managing 60 hives unfortunately left his report at home and  was unable  to report income at the moment but did say the numbers remained stable and he had transferred the hive  to Tommy Duggar.  Mr. Del Signore was on his way to the meeting and  so no report  was forthcoming.  David Webb  and Laurence Cutts indicated  they also had hives from the Apiary, but were not official managers.  The Vice President of the Association is in charge of coordinating reports from apiary managers according to the bylaws.


Report from Tony Hogg on activities of a committee (Tony Hogg, Brendhan Horne and David Webb) appointed by President Plenge to look into revising  the bylaws.  Mr. Hogg reported that his e-mail concerning  the committee’s deliberations sent to the board of managers met with little response.  This indicates there is little appetite for change at the moment.  Much discussion ensued.  Frustration was apparent on the lack of closure of this issue.  Motion by Ellen Hutson that the Board of  Managers again ask for specific recommendations from the committee on changes.  Seconded by Brendhan Horne.  Passed. 


Election of Officers:  The nominating committee (Roger Twitchell, Elmore Herman and Laurence Cutts) did not present a slate of officers.  Rather, it provided a printed ballot with  a list of  nominees.  This consisted of President (Gary Ranker and Tommy Duggar),  Vice President (David Webb), and Treasurer (Bert Kelley and Bill Dunn).  The results reported by Brendhan Horne of the counting (three representatives from different associations, including those not being represented) resulted in the following, with  a total of 74 votes being cast: 


President:   Tommy Duggar  (38),  Gary Ranker (35), abstain (1);  Vice President:  David Webb (63), abstain (11); Treasurer:  Bert Kelley (52), Bill Dunn (22). 


Motion to adjourn by Brendhan Horne, seconded by David Mendes.  Meeting adjourned, 9:10 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Malcolm T. Sanford

Executive Secretary