Florida State Beekeepers Association
 Promote Your Page Too
Annual Convention to be held in Orlando, Florida, October 27-29
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tupelo
Beekeepers Seminar, Chipley, Florida, October 14-15 Welsh
Honey Show, Tallahassee, Florida, November 5 Find
all events on the Global Beekeeping
Calendar +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Food Legislation based on HB 7209 - the case to include honey
Other information on this issue:
Farms Subcommittee Recommendations for Small Farms
Recommendations Presented to Florida House and Senate
A committee continues developing revised
constitution and bylaws for the Association : See here two documents for comparison:
Constitution and Bylaws currently in force:
Revised document under consideration.
The basic changes proposed include: 1)
developing new membership categories, 2) updating officer
descriptions, and 3) updating voting procedures for officers at the
annual convention.
Honey Bee Viral Mapping Initiative: I am a bee virus researcher in Montana, I have spoke at the national conventions and I am the one who brought the Army in to play on CCD. I also provide viral load screening to many commercial beekeepers around the country. With that said, I have attached a
proposal and project for your membership, if it meets your approval could you forward this to them. Let me know, and thanks for your consideration. If you have any questions please call or email me at 406-369-4214 mrwick@bvs-inc.us
Best regards,
David Wick, BVS, Inc., 406-369-4214, http://www.bvs-inc.us
Bee Technical Council Minutes 8 December 2010
Honey Bee Technical Council Minutes 19 August 2011
Association Budget
2010 - 2011
A brand
new honey queen was crowned at the 90th convention of the Association.
For a list of others who held the position, access the "History"
Speakers Bureau
Greetings fellow beekeeper,
I am helping organize a listing of speakers about beekeeping interests
for the Florida State Beekeepers Association (FSBA) and would like to
know more about your interests in sharing beekeeping information with
other Florida beekeepers.
Please complete the following questions & get them back to me...you may
list the answers next to the numbers for the corresponding questions and
email them back to me...or you can print this & complete it at your
leisure & send the information back to me via snail mail at my home
email: snakesfromchris@webtv.net
Chris Stalder
5102 St. Germain Av.
Belle Isle, FL 32812
1) Your name(s) & contact information (email, phone numbers, etc)
2) Beekeeping Topic(s) and length of presentation(s)_____________________________________________
3) Location (address to be toured, if applicable)
4) Willing to travel in Florida to give this presentation (if
applicable) & any distance restrictions (example: will travel within 100
mile radius of Gainesville, FL to give this presentation)
5) List costs (if any) that you will charge for this presentation / tour
/ travel expenses / no charge / no charge if can promote products from
the hive at beekeepers meeting
6) List any needs to make this presentation (example: need electricity &
extension cord to make power point presentation)
7) Preferred method of contact / contact informaiton to schedule your
Note: completing questionnaire does not guarantee inclusion in FSBA
Thank you so very much for your assistance :)
Christopher J. Stalder
Environmental Scientist, Agronomist, Beekeeper & Herpetoculturalist
Phone 407-855-1131
Those signed up
so far:
A calendar of events has been
established in cooperation with Bee Culture Magazine, which includes beekeeping activities
not only in Florida, but elsewhere. Many local events will no longer be listed individually on
this home page, but may be available under each local association by
accessing the "local" button. Always consult this global
calendar to find out
what is going on in Florida and elsewhere. Routine monthly meetings are
also found on the Local page for the growing number
of local associations. Send items to for inclusion to the Calendar
Facts About the Association:
The Florida State Beekeepers
Association has a distinguished history.
Its mission
is dedicated to keeping Florida apiculture strong and healthy in the
new millennium. The Association is the major lobbying force for the state's
beekeeping industry and works with the University of Florida's Institute
of Food, Agricultural Sciences (IFAS),
Florida Farm
Bureau and the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services,
Division of Plant
Industry's Apiary Inspection program,
through which all honey bee colonies in Florida are required to be registered
by law.
The Association also provides an exhibit each
year at Florida's State Fair in Tampa.
This website
complements the Association's other activities, which are governed through
a constitution and bylaws, and include a
quarterly newsletter and electronic discussion list, periodic meetings by
the governing body, the Board of Managers, and the membership as a whole,
which meets in convention once a year to help set policy and approve a budget.
The lifeblood of the Association
has traditionally been its affiliation and ultimate governance by local
associations, each appointing a delegate to represent it in
deliberations at the state level. The Associations also recruit members. There are
three kinds of membership: 1) dues-paying yearly
(valid November 1 through October 31) for $15 and 2) lifetime through
donating to the Conrad Cramer Memorial Apiary, which provides additional
financial resources for Association activities, and 3) Extra Milers,
contributing the equivalent or more of an additional life membership.
Members (see brochure)
receive the quarterly paper newsletter, The Florida Beekeeper
and are subscribed to the Official newsletter or "ezine"
that provides important updates on Florida's beekeeping activities.
Membership privileges include a discount
to the two major U.S. beekeeping journals, Bee
Culture, American Bee Journal
and southeast's apicultural newspaper, The Speedy Bee.
Simply mention you are a member when subscribing.
We hope you enjoy this website.
Please contact any of the officers or
representatives with suggestions on how it and the Florida State
Beekeepers Association might serve you better. Malcolm T. Sanford, Executive Secretary.