


Florida State Beekeepers Association

Article I Name

This association shall be known as the Florida State Beekeepers Association, a non-profit corporation of the state of Florida.

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Article II Purpose and Membership

Section 1. The purpose and functions of this Association shall be:

1. The development and promotion of practical beekeeping methods in the state of Florida.

2. To act in the interest of the beekeepers of Florida in protecting and carrying on statewide beekeeping affairs.

3. To act as a medium for, and an aid in cooperative and mutual beekeeping methods.

4. To act as the representative of the Florida beekeepers in State and National beekeeping and legislative matters

Section 2.

1. This Association shall be composed of county or district affiliated associations of Florida Beekeepers, their members, and in the case where local organizations do not exist, individual beekeepers of the State of Florida, or other individual beekeepers of other states, who desire to join with this Association in a united effort to carry out its purpose. County associations may include adjoining counties.

2. Affiliated local associations shall make such reports to the Executive Secretary of the State Association as may be required by the Board of Managers. Failure to comply will result in association loss of representation and voting privileges.

3. Members of local affiliated associations shall become members of the State Association upon payment of State Association annual dues.

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Article III Dues

1. The annual dues for membership in this association is fifteen dollars ($15.00) per year

paid to the treasurer. This shall be adjusted by the Board of managers as deemed necessary. This sum will cover membership for both husband and wife.

2. The membership year shall be November 1 through October 31 of each year.
Changed to = Membership Year is from October 1 to September 30.

3. Any member whose dues are not paid by December 1st, shall be given a written notice by the Exclusive Secretary..

4. If dues are not paid within thirty (30) days from the mailing of said notice, the name shall be dropped from the membership role.

5. Any member may become a Life Member of this association by donating one ten-frame colony of bees, consisting of the following: Bottom board, cover, excluder, three deep brood chambers, with thirty (30) good frames, and combs, and bees free of disease. In lieu of the above items Life Membership may be obtained by donating the full value of a hive in cash or new beekeeping equipment. This membership includes both husband and wife. The equipment list may be adjusted to the needs of the apiary.

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Article IV Board of Managers

1. The general management of this Association is vested in a Board of Managers.

2. The Board of Managers shall consist of a voting delegate from each of the affiliated local associations. The appointed delegate, or their designee, to the Board of Manager shall, as representative of their local association, be the only recognized speaker of their association at the Board meetings. This representative and one (1) alternate shall be appointed in writing.

3. The President, Immediate Past President, Vice-President, and Executive Secretary shall be non-voting members of the Board of Managers: The President acting as chairperson and the Executive secretary as secretary.

4. Only appointed delegates to the Board of Managers shall have voting privileges; the chairperson may vote in case of a tie vote.

5. Meetings of the Board of Managers may be called by the Executive Secretary on the request of the President, or any five (5) members of the Board of Managers.

6. For any Board meeting, the President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary and three other members constitutes a quorum.

7. All meetings of the Board of Managers shall be conducted according to "Robert’s Rule of Order."

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Article V Officers / Duties

1. The officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, an Executive Secretary, and a Treasurer.

2. If it is so desired by the Board of Managers, the offices of Secretary Executive and Secretary may be held by one person.

3. The duties of the officers shall be in accordance with common practice and special duties as Board of Managers may see fit to impose; the terms of office shall be one (1) year, or until the next annual meeting of the Association. Officers shall continue in office until their successors are elected and have qualified.

4. The President of this Association may not serve more than two (2) successive one (1) year terms.

5. The Board of Managers shall appoint an Executive Secretary to manage the business affairs, including the publication of quarterly newsletters, and set salary for same. The duties shall be directed by the Board of Managers.

Section 2

1. Removals or changes and the filling of vacancies shall be entirely under the control and at the discretion of the Board of Managers.

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Article VI Meetings

1. The annual meeting of this association shall be held at such time and place as the Board of Managers shall decide. Notice of the annual meeting shall be given out by the Executive Secretary approximately sixty (60) days prior to the date of the meeting.

2. The Board of Managers and the Officers of the Association shall constitute a committee to select subjects for discussion and to arrange for speakers; to arrange programs for the meeting; to give publicity to all arrangements made for the instruction and entertainment of the members; and they are empowered to appoint committees to assist them in the carrying out of their plans along the lines.

Section 2 Special

1. Special meetings of this Association may be called at the request of the President, or any three (3) or more affiliated associations, who are at the present time in good standing in the State Association, or may be called by the Board of Managers, which will instruct the Executive Secretary to issue this call.

2. Calls for special meetings shall state the place and the time of the meeting, and briefly state the purpose for which the meeting is called. No other subjects other than those stated shall be taken up at said meeting.

3. All members of the State Association shall be notified by mail not less than two (2) weeks prior to the date set for the meeting.

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Article VII Past President

Section 1

1. The immediate Past President shall be entitled to sit at any meetings of the Board of Managers, and may participate in any business discussions, but is not entitled to vote.

2. The Past President shall be notified of all meetings as are the Board of Managers.

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Article VIII Finances

All money or property of any kind which may be acquired by this Association shall be under the control and direction of the Board of Managers who may require / arrange and adequate system of collection and dispersing funds, require the posting of a bond or surety by persons handling the finances or assets of the Association.

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Article IX Nominating Committee

Section 1

1. The President shall appoint a NOMINATION COMMITTEE for the purpose of nominating officers sixty (60) days prior to the elections held at the annual meeting.

2. The Nominating Committee shall poll affiliated associations for potential nominees, and obtain their consent to serve prior to nomination.

3. The Nominating Committee shall present slate of incoming officers at the regular business session of the annual meeting.

4. Further nominations may be made from the floor.

5. Election shall be by ballot, a majority of votes being cast required to elect.

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Article X Apiary Management

Section 1

This Association may operate one or more apiaries, the profits of which, after the deductions of reasonable expenses shall be divided equally between the Association and the apiary manager. An agreement shall be made with each apiary manager.

Section 2

The Vice=President shall be responsible for the supervision of all Association apiaries and give a report at each annual meeting. The report shall consist of the following:

a. Number of apiaries

b. number of colonies and general condition of each apiary

c. Net profit of each apiary

d. Total monies from all apiaries

The Board of Managers may appoint an assistant to aid in these duties. This assistant shall be reimbursed for any expenses incurred; i.e. truck, loader and fuel expenses incurred in moving and / or picking up said bees.

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Article XI

This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any annual meeting, or any special meeting called for that purpose, provided 30 days prior written notice of amendments have been presented to each member. When an amendment is ratified, a copy of said amendment will be included in the next available newsletter to all members of the Association.

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Florida State Beekeepers Association

Article I

The officers of this Association shall be elected by ballot, a majority of votes cast being required to elect. In the event there is one candidate for each office a voice vote may be conducted. The president shall appoint a committee of three members to count the ballots; no two members shall be from the same affiliated association. This election will occur at the General Membership annual meeting.

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Article II

The duty of the President shall be to act as presiding officer of meetings of the Association, meetings of the Board of Managers, to sign all documents requiring official signature, and any other duties usually required of the presiding officer of any organization of the character.

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Article III

In the absence of the President, The Vive-President shall act with full power of that office.

Article IV

Section 1

The Secretary shall keep proper records of all meetings and other transactions of the Association and the Board of Managers; shall issue notices of meetings and other duties usually required of secretaries in any organization of this character.

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Section 2

Office supplies furnished to the Executive Secretary; as well as all other officers by the Association, shall be provided by the Treasurer of the Association, upon approval of Board of Mangers.

Article V

Section 1

The Treasure shall be the custodian of the Association’s funds and receive all membership and affiliation dues and other income and shall make a statement of the accounts showing balance on hand at each annual meeting of the Association. The Treasurer shall account to the Board of Managers upon request, and present the books for audit by two (2) members ten days prior to the annual meeting.

Section 2

The Treasurer shall make all deposits and withdrawals in a local bank of his or her choice. The Board of Managers may, at any time, make such changes in the conduct of the Association’s finances as may be needed.

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Article VI

As a matter of expediency and expense, questions requiring action of the Board of Managers may be submitted by the Executive Secretary by mail to each member of the Board to record their vote thereon "for" or "against", and return the same to the Executive Secretary who will record the votes so cast and announce the decision. The vote so cast shall be of the same force and effect as it would if, the Board assembled and acted with a like number of members present.

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Article VII

The meetings of the Association will be conducted in the Following order:

1. Call to order and invocation

2. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting (s)

3. Reception of members

4. Appointment of committees.

5. Executive Secretary’s report.

6. Reports of the standing committees.

7. President’s address.

8. Report of special committees.

9. Election and installation of officers.

10. Miscellaneous business.

11. Discussion.

12. Adjournment.

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Article VIII

All meetings shall be conducted according to the "Roberts Rules of Order."

Article IX

An Association newsletter shall be printed quarterly and sent to all Association members as well as the Governor of Florida, all members of the State Legislature, the Florida Governor’s cabinet members, which shall include the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture.

The Post Convention newsletter shall contain a financial statement and the adopted budget for the new fiscal year.

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Article X

These by-laws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose.

When amendments are made, a reprint will be made to incorporate the changes and printed in the next newsletter. Copies shall be made available to all interested parties upon request.

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